The Truth Behind the Fairly OddParents

As a kid Timmy received very little attention from his parents. They never wanted to have a kid and that's why they traveled so much, just to get away from him. They would always leave him with an abusive baby sitter.... Vicky. Vicky never liked kids and this was the only job she could get. She would take to drugs to try to forget Timmy was even there, and that's why she would always throw parties. One day Timmy stole a drug from Vicky, it was an hallucinogen or LSD.
When Timmy took them he would always see 2 characters. He named them Cosmo and Wanda. They would protect him, love him, you could say they were projections of what he had always wanted from his parents. One night Cosmo and Wanda told Timmy to kill Vicky. That night when Vicky came over she had passed out from taking a few too many drugs. That's when Timmy took a hammer and repeatedly struck her head until the only thing that was left was the blood and bits of her brains. Timmy then hid the body, but when his parents got home they saw the blood that he had forgotten to clean. His parents attempted to call the cops, but before they could Timmy had bashed both of them in the head with the hammer.
Timmy finally got what he had always wanted. His parents never left him and Vicky could no longer abuse him, but with Vicky being dead, he could no longer get the LSD and Cosmo and Wanda went away. Timmy fell into a dark depression, trying to do anything to see Cosmo and Wanda again. Timmy finally found one last pill that Vicky had left. When he saw Cosmo and Wanda again they had a baby. Again, this is a projection of what Timmy always wanted, and Cosmo and Wanda paid no attention to him. He could not go through this again; Timmy found a gun in his dad’s nightstand drawer. He put the gun to his head and the last thing he saw were Cosmo, Wanda and the baby waving to him, then he pulled the trigger.